The previous volume in this Series entitled, “Steps to Bible Understanding “ focussed on “Crisis in the Middle East – Bible Expectations,” and reflected the 2012 position in the light of developing Bible prophecies and anticipation for the future. This publication will be helpful to both those who are not yet convinced there is a God and to those interested in a deeper knowledge of Bible prophecy.
This volume in A5 format consists of 58 pages, comes with a 45 minute DVD Presentation and updates the position to 2015. The DVD is accessible in two parts on most equipment, for ease of viewing, for instance at two Bible Classes allowing time for discussion.
The opportunity has been taken to expand into a “twin-track” approach: on the one hand for the young and others without a strong faith in God, a firm basis of scripture is held out: on the other hand for those who have difficulty in imagining how the present Middle East situation could possibly lead to Israel “dwelling safely” (before Jesus returns), to re-examine some of the available scriptural evidence.
In particular to attempt to answer the questions:
1. Does peace in Israel necessarily signal that Jesus has returned to them?
2. Does peace in Israel have to take place before Jesus can call believers to the Judgement?
In Ten Steps the study itself takes us through fulfilled and expected prophecy. It emphasises the uniqueness of the foreknowledge of God and its consequences in the provision of a “Hook” to hang one’s faith upon. It considers some relevant Prophecies and leads to a proposed stage of yet-to-be temporary Peace in Israel before Jesus is there. It should be noted that this is not a new conclusion but serves to confirm the expectations of many Bible Students. This stage of temporary peace prior to the invasion is seen as the bait to which Gog (Russia) responds and who will then meet his end on the Mountains of Israel.
The final outcome – the fulfilment of the Promises to Abraham by the literal return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth – brings the theme to its grand crescendo!
The personal appeal to develop faith in God on the grounds of the evidence, especially of current events, is strongly made throughout, together with the glorious prospect held out to those who do.
Price in UK incl. P&P £7
The complete price per pack of 6 booklets including discs to a UK address: £37
The complete price per booklet including disc sent to USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand: £11
The complete price per pack of 6 booklets including discs sent to USA Canada, Australia and New Zealand: £48